Clear skies and the longest nights of the year, and a 12V power station, enabled me to run the camera from 7PM to 5AM, roughly. Clouds came in only at the end and I think added something to the video. 600 minutes are compressed into 60 seconds. I actually got 615 frames where the last 15 had the clouds. So, the single image is of the first 600 of 615 frames while the video is the last 600 of 615 frames.
11/23/2024 Sunrise from Stouts Point
Sunrise from Stouts Point Saturday morning. It was a bit like looking down on clouds from an airplane.
11/17/2024 The Weekend that Was
Fall foliage in Saturday’s dense fog at Hendrix Creek Preserve.
Lake Maumelle from Vista Point Sunday morning. The lake wasn’t quite mirror like but it was close.
Both were shot with my Galaxy S23 FE phone.