Jupiter, Mars, & Saturn 5/21/2016

I went back to the River Ridge Observatory Saturday night to work on planets again.  I had noticed some dust motes on my color camera that I’ve not been able to clean yet so I switched to my monochrome camera. It has a higher resolution.  I started with Jupiter of course, and while the contrast is a little low look at these details!  The Great Red Spot is at about 8 oclock near the edge and see the turbulence in the South Equatorial Belt?

Mars was next and man it is bright!  I didn’t wait until it or especially Saturn in its best position because that would be about 1 AM or later. I’ve flipped and rotated Mars to account for the diagonal, North is up. On the left is Syrtis Major Planitia. The light area at about 1 o’clock is Olympus Mons (tallest volcano in the solar system). Check this map (http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/atlas/).


Finally, Saturn. No self respecting photographer would have shot Saturn this low in the sky but I did anyway. It sharpened up pretty well.


Sunspot 4/9/2016

Here is a reasonably large sunspot group shot with my 80mm Celestron Onyx ED and ASI120 MM camera. I got the monochromatic camera to complement the color ASI120 MC camera I use for planets and it did a good job here.  I got the scope and the light duty Celestron Nexstar mount with next year’s total solar eclipse in mind.  All three performed well today although I have to work on my technique.  I had to have Jack focus the scope while I ducked my head under a towel and peered at the laptop screen.  I’m planning to get some easy to pop up canopy for the eclipse sometime and that would help here too.  A better focuser might help. Not Jack, he did fine, but a dual speed replacement for the OEM focuser.


Spring Break in Washington, DC 2016

The family plus family friend Savannah drove to DC over spring break. 18 hours of driving each way plus four days in a nice BnB.  The weather turned cold of course, as it always does during spring break, it even snowed on the second day but started warming as we left. Fun but exhausting.  The pictures are in no particular order.

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