Following the theme established in the previous post, here are female and male Yellow-sided Skimmers. Only the female gives you a clue to their name.

So I saw this dragonfly and thought it was a juvenile Common Whitetail but then noted that the wing spots were wrong. Woo hoo! I thought. A little research later, I learned this was a female Common Whitetail and down the field a little ways was a juvenile male to compare her to.
I started at Cook’s Sunday morning but was kind of slow so I moved across the river to Two Rivers Park looking for anything worth looking at. I visited the new mound that they just built and found several things: 1) it could be used as a sit on the grass amphitheater if they allow; 2) a new to me butterfly- the Sachem skipper; 3) a human sundial. I also found three Eastern Tiger Swallowtails and Pipevine Swallowtail enjoying the button bush.
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