Fall Foliage Trip 10/31/2010

In the spirit of Halloween, Angie and I forced Samantha to ride with us as we drove into the Ozarks looking for leaves.  Actually, she wanted to go but was tired from her Saturday and slept much of the trip.  We drove up Highway 65 with the idea of checking out a cemetery in Harrison if we didn’t find anything before then.  We didn’t find anything.  There was some change but it just wasn’t that impressive so we kept going north.  I actually didn’t know where the target cemetery was or even its name but once we got to Harrison, I used the Google Maps app on my Black Jack and found one entitled “Maplewood Cemetery”. Since I knew its fall color was due to Maples, I figured I had found my place.  And it was.  The leaves were not perfect but many were changing and it was a beautiful sunny day with loads of polarized sunshine hitting the trees so Angie and I walked all about taking pictures.
