It’s been a while since I posted about the camper build. Two months to be exact. I kind of had other pits to put my money into for a bit and also had to wait for some back ordered items to come in. Those items were reasonably priced aluminum piano hinges and a low profile roof vent.
So here we see the hinges in action connecting the flip-up panels to the walls. In the first picture they are folded down, like a box, then up in the next. The flip up panels will lift the ceiling by 15 inches so that I can get the camper in and out of the garage and still stand up inside, even if I grow three inches.
Finally the “lid” as everyone agrees it should be called. It’s upside down now, the exterior plywood that will be the top on the floor then 1 inch of rigid foam and then 5 mm interior plywood that will be the ceiling, All glued together with paint. I’ll let that set with cat litter on top for about a week. As it is, the lid is about 90 pounds. If I’ve messed it up and it sags then people who have done this before recommend 2 inch foam and no plywood, just the canvas skin. That would eliminate about 60 pounds.