On Wednesday, March 3, I had my first chance to do astrophotography in about six weeks. Orion and the Orion nebula moved three hours closer to the Sun in those six weeks so I wanted to work on that while I could.
This is a composite image of the Orion Nebula (M42 and M43) and adjacent Running Man Nebula (NGC 1977) taken with my 11″ SCT (Elf) and ZWO ASI 294MC Pro at the River Ridge Observatory. This is a composite made from 15 120 second, 15 60 second, 30 30 second, and 30 8 second images. Capture was done with SharpCap Pro, stacked with Deep Sky Stacker, and processing done with Photoshop CC.
This image is on its side to fit most monitors better. This is normally roughly vertical when you look at it. Tilt your head to the left for a better look at the Running Man but in this orientation the main attraction looks a bit like a turkey I think.