Last night at the River Ridge Observatory, I had first light with my new Starizona SCT Corrector IV and Baader Large SCT Clicklock Visual Back on my 11″ SCT (Elf). My first attempted object was the Crescent Nebula (with a dual narrowband filter) but the guiding was atrocious. Even PHD2 agreed. So I moved to the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula and the guiding was much better. I captured two hours of that but later found that the stars were slightly out of focus despite the Bahtinov mask. So, about 3AM I took out the dual narrowband, oriented the camera, got a new focus and shot the Moon. This is actually a composite of three shots made from 500 frames of video each 3ms long at unity gain. The Moon wouldn’t quite fit in the frame so three so that each mostly overlapped the one next to it.
Click on the image for a larger view.