I walked the “field” trail at the arboretum today in my first primarily butterflies and dragonflies attempt this year. Had a Red-banded Hairstreak, several Eastern Tailed-Blues, a Gemmed Satyr, some kind of Cloudywing I think, and yesterday saw two Zebra Swallowtails at the same place. Among the dragons were an Oklahoma Clubtail, what I think is an Ozark Clubtail, several Mantled Baskettails, and one Stream Cruiser. Looking at last year’s pictures I appear to have thought these were Slender Baskettails but they look more like Mantled.
Stream Cruiser
Eastern Tailed-Blue
Eastern Tailed-Blue
Gemmed Satyr
Mantled Baskettail
Oklahoma Clubtail
Ozark Clubtail?
Red-banded Hairstreak