Bald Knob NWR 5/2/2010

I went to BKNWR Sunday morning hoping the storms had forced migrants to seek shelter.  One thing is for sure, the area has much more water than it did last weekend.  The gravel roads were passable but soft in places and many fields had standing water.  The creek that runs through there was close to overflowing. It looked like shore bird heaven to me but there weren’t really that many shore birds there.  I saw 45 species in all with the FOS Dickcissel, Bobolink, and Blue Grosbeak being the best. The two Wilson’s Phalarope that have been seen there were still there.  I also saw one Great Blue Heron work a snake to death or close before swallowing him and another with a fish.  I saw about 200 Bobolinks in the swampy area where we see the night-herons on a regular basis but don’t drive in there unless you want to walk out.

My original plan had involved Treadways & Saul’s but eBird indicated that BK had 5 times as many species in May as they did so that decided it.

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