The first image was taken a minute or two before the start of the umbral phase of the eclipse. A section of the Moon is in shadow but not completely dark. The second image is at the peak of this eclipse and a portion of the Moon is in complete darkness, covered by the umbral shadow.
9/8/2024 Heart and Soul and more
It was a good night at the River Ridge Observatory. Cool but not too cold, clear skies, slight breeze. I got a late start after attending a star party earlier. My first images were just after midnight. I stayed until after 5AM. I considered shooting the sunrise on the way home but I was 30 minutes too early for that and I had been up for 26 hours except for three or four short naps.
8/8/2024 Some Recent Astrophotos
These were taken between August 3 and 7 during several days of clear weather. You can click on any for larger image.
The Veil Nebula in one picture. I used my 135mm Samyang lens with my ASI294MC Pro and Antlia Ultra RGB Triband filter. 12 five minute subs.
Messier 13, aka M13, in Hercules. My 11″ SCT at f/1.9 with ASI533MC Pro and Antlia Quadband filter. 72 one minute subs.
NGC 7380. aka the Wizard Nebula, in Cepheus. My 11″ SCT at f/1.9 with the ASI533MC Pro and Antlia Quadband filter. 24 three minute subs.