Lake Maumelle 11/21/2010

I just returned from Lake Maumelle.  I started at the Hundley Road Causeway where we’ve seen Pacific, Red-throated, and even Yellow-billed Loons in recent years.  No exotics there today but I did see 16 Common Loons and about as many Ring-billed Gulls.

Then I headed east and decided to stop at the old marina between the causeway I was just at and Loon Point.  There I saw about 60 Ring-billed Gulls getting ready to roost on a sandbar. I also saw about 6 Horned Grebe and about 10 Greater Scaup. A few minutes later a juvenile Bald Eagle started harassing the scaup but gave up before too long.

Finally I stopped at Loon Point which lived up to its name giving me a view of about 5 Common Loons.

The seeing was better than usual with little or no heat shimmers on the water.

Fall Foliage Trip 10/31/2010

In the spirit of Halloween, Angie and I forced Samantha to ride with us as we drove into the Ozarks looking for leaves.  Actually, she wanted to go but was tired from her Saturday and slept much of the trip.  We drove up Highway 65 with the idea of checking out a cemetery in Harrison if we didn’t find anything before then.  We didn’t find anything.  There was some change but it just wasn’t that impressive so we kept going north.  I actually didn’t know where the target cemetery was or even its name but once we got to Harrison, I used the Google Maps app on my Black Jack and found one entitled “Maplewood Cemetery”. Since I knew its fall color was due to Maples, I figured I had found my place.  And it was.  The leaves were not perfect but many were changing and it was a beautiful sunny day with loads of polarized sunshine hitting the trees so Angie and I walked all about taking pictures.

Two Rivers Park 11/7/2010

I went to Two Rivers Park Sunday morning in hopes of finding winter sparrows.  I parked at the kayak launch so that I could walk up the backwater with the Sun to my back instead of in my eyes, then through the big field, and finally the horse trail loop.  I saw 29 species in all. not counting deer and butterflies, including Field Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Lincoln’s Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, both Kinglets, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and an American Kestrel who seems to be hanging out at the horse trailer parking lot ( I saw him there before).  It was a beautiful fall morning, not that we couldn’t use the rain.
