1/3/2025 The Rosette Nebula

I spent Friday night at the River Ridge Observatory shooting a few objects. I had two rigs going, three counting the stationary DSLR doing star trails. The long night allowed me to break it into three imaging sessions and the last one was dedicated to one object with two rigs – the Rosette Nebula in the constellation of Monoceros (the Unicorn).

The Rosette Nebula is a large cloud of energized hydrogen, an HII region we call it. It’s about a degree across, or about twice the apparent width of the Moon. Stars are forming inside it now. Click on each thumbnail for a larger view.

Here is a image of the region at low power – 135mm. Note the ring of red nebulosity in the upper left quadrant.

Compare that to this snippet from Stellarium. The small green squares represent emission nebula and match the ring seen in the upper image. And the green squares at the bottom match the red area at the bottom of the previous image.

Finally, a closeup of the Rosette taken at 539mm focal length.

1/3/2025 Ten Hours of Circumpolar Stars

Clear skies and the longest nights of the year, and a 12V power station, enabled me to run the camera from 7PM to 5AM, roughly. Clouds came in only at the end and I think added something to the video. 600 minutes are compressed into 60 seconds. I actually got 615 frames where the last 15 had the clouds. So, the single image is of the first 600 of 615 frames while the video is the last 600 of 615 frames.

12/28/2024 Learning PixInsight

I may be the last astrophotographer to try PixInsight, but have decided to try it. I’ve picked several recent images and reprocessed them in PI, usually starting with the previously stacked 32 bit result from DeepSkyStacker but once or twice restacking the original FIT files in PI as well. I’ve got a lot to learn. While I think each of these new images are better than their predecessor, I realize that is subjective and not all will agree.

In each case below, the old workflow is on the left and new on the right. By necessity, the thumbnails on the right are smaller but click on them for a full sized image.

SH2-240, the Spaghetti Nebula

North America and Pelican Nebulae

Flame and Horsehead Nebulae

M45, the Pleiades Star Cluster. I apparently never processed this with the old workflow.

Heart and Soul Nebulae
