8/15/2020 DSLR Image of the Sagittarius Star Cloud

Here we have the Sagittarius Star Cloud taken Friday night with a Canon EOS 800D and 75-300mm kit lens at 80mm. ISO 3200 and about 40 sixty second frames stacked. It’s in the center and looks like you had pressed your left thumb against the glass. The bright clump in the lower left is the Lagoon Nebula and the one two the right, horizontal to the cloud and halfway to the edge is the Eagle Nebula. This is toward the center of our galaxy and a busy part of the sky.According to Wikipedia, “The Sagittarius Star Cloud (also known as Messier 24 and IC 4715) is a star cloud in the constellation of Sagittarius, approximately 600 light years wide, which was discovered by Charles Messier in 1764. It is sometimes known as the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud to distinguish it from the Great Sagittarius Star Cloud located to the north of Gamma Sagittarii and Delta Sagittarii.”.

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