I took this shot of Polaris and the Little Dipper last night at the River Ridge Observatory. Nothing fancy, just a 30 second image a 6400 ISO with my widest angle lens. Polaris is the bright star just above the center and a little to the left. The Little Dipper extends almost horizontally and drooping a little as it does to the left. The thin clouds add a nice touch I think though normally I don’t like them.
Observing Session at the River Ridge Observatory
Tuesday and Wednesday were two long days separated by one short night so I retired early Wednesday evening with the idea of going to the River Ridge Observatory after midnight to see new Messier objects for my AL observing challenge or sleeping all night. I had mostly exhausted the list available in the earlier hours.
Left house at about 1:40, the Moon was near the horizon. Arrived at the RRO at 2:15. The sky was clear, seeing good, and temperature about 45 F. Pegasus was just starting to set in the west which was good. One of my targets was M33, the Pinwheel Galaxy in Triangulum, which I’ve been trying to find in the east earlier in the evening but it has been lost in the skyglow. Leo was just rising.
M33 was easy to see in binoculars but hard in scope due to its size, it filled the view, but I finally made out some small bits of fluff in the scope.
M77 in Cetus was next. Cetus is a dim constellation but I was able to make out the tail which was all I cared about. One star seemed to be missing and I wondered if it might be Mira, aka Omicron Ceti, a long period variable and sure enough when I checked later the missing star was Mira which must be dim right now.
With those two objects which had defeated me before out of the way, I turned to the new objects that I got up in the middle of the night for – M1, M78, M42, M43, M79, M41, M50, M46, M47, M93, M48, M44, M67, M35, M36, M37, M38, M81, M82, and M97. Some were harder than others but all were seen.
All the while Canopus, the second brightest star in the sky was on the southern horizon, its light twisted from red to green and colors in between by the atmosphere.
Mars and the Teapot (short and stout)
I used my Canon Rebel tonight to do some simple astrophotography. It was connected to my Nexstar mount for tracking and running BackyardEOS on the laptop to control it. After spending quite some time manually focusing and trying different ISOs and exposures I settled on ISO 1600 and 30 seconds. It was supposed to be clear but there were thin clouds all over. The bright “star” on the left is Mars and if you look closely in the lower left quadrant you’ll see the teapot of Sagitarrius. I was also hoping to capture the nova currently in Sagitarrius just above the spout and if I zoom in I can see a star right where the nova is but it’s none too impressive.