Jupiter with Io, shadow of Io, and Europa April 4, 2015

I was imaging Jupiter Saturday evening and could tell during the video capture that the seeing was better than what I had seen lately. There was a feature on the disk which while I didn’t know what it was, it was persistent and I could also see the moons Io and Europa which meant the focus was holding well.  When I processed the first series, which was actually the last since I started at that end, I was wowed to see that I had captures the shadow of Io on Jupiter.  Woot!  So, that is Io in the upper left and Europa in the lower right. Setup was an 8” Celestron SCT on an ASGT mount with an ASI120MC camera.  Best 25% of 2000 10ms frames.  Reducing the image size to 320×240 pixels allowed the capture of about 200 frames per second.


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