Sunday was Bug Day

It started cloudy and a little rainy before clearing off later. Not much in the way of birds but I did find a few bugs.  I got a first of season Eastern Amberwing, Phaon Crescent, and Black-and-yellow Argiope though he’s showing no yellow.

Mount Magazine State Park

Saturday I joined ASCA for a field trip to this state park on the mountain. The temperatures were fine, the day sunny.  Good birds and butterflies, plus a new life moth the Walnut Sphinx Moth.

Sunday Dragon Hunting

Sunday morning, before and after chores, I went dragon hunting.  I wouldn’t turn down a good butterfly or bird but dragons were the target.  I saw a few species, mainly the ubiquitous Common Pondhawk but also some less common species in particular a new life dragon – the Red Saddlebags.  Talk about red, when I saw this thing I was reminded of a giant mosquito gorged on blood.
