7/17/2016 Mercury and Venus

The two inner planets are very low in the western sky very close together. Last night they were a Moon’s width apart, tonight apparently a little more. I set up at the high point in Wellington Hills near the Fellowship Church at sunset. By 8:28 I spotted Venus in the binoculars. It took another 8 minutes to spot Mercury. Here is one of a bunch of pictures, mostly unsuccessful. Both planets are in the lower right, Venus is the brighter while Mercury is above it at about 11 o’clock.
I decided to show the entire frame instead of cropping so you might have a better idea of scale. This was a 300mm zoom with a DSLR. 1/160s at f/5.6 ISO 3200. Processing in Lightroom.

Venus and Mercury, July 17, 2017 July 2016 1162


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